Friday, July 8, 2011

Preacher Man and the Singing Lady

This train story is up there on the good factor.  I'm just amazed at the things people will do.  So, there is this man that every time he's on the train he preaches out loud to everyone the entire way home.  When I see him I get on another cart to avoid him.  Last night as I was waiting for the train I saw him and moved far away because I didn't want to listen to it.  The train comes, I get on and sit down and things are good until I hear him say...Can I have everyone's attention?  This is what he says every time.  I'll be damned if he isn't standing right next to me.  I just can't get away from this guy.  I immediately put my earbuds in and proceed to listen to music to try and drown him out.  Even with the volume up all the way I could still here him.  I tried my best to ignore him when all of a sudden I hear someone singing really loud.  I take my earbuds out and the lady across from me is signing to the top of her lungs. 

99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer, take one down, pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wall.  Every time the preacher man starts to speak, she starts signing as loud as she can to make him stop..  People are looking around at each other like what the hell is going on, some laughing, some getting more angry.  It was a mess.  I felt like I was in an episode of the freakin Twillight Zone. 
She made it to 84 bottles or beer and then she got off the train.  As soon as she got off, he started back up again.
Note to self, next time I see him waiting for the same train I'm waiting for, I will just wait for the next one.